After purchasing a top of the line kick scooter for my 3 year old, we excitedly made our way to the promenade near the Brooklyn Bridge. It was dusk. A warm pink glow illuminated the NYC skyline.It was just light enough for me to see my daughter but she wasn’t quite as visible to other’s passing by. Pedestrians, runners, skaters and cyclists were all racing by along the sidewalk.
As kids on kick scooters can, she got blissfully ahead of me. It was then that I realized her scooter was in desperate need of warning lights. This was the beginning of Skootzlife.
Skootzlife, founded to bring fun, new scooter accessories to kids while delivering the ultimate value: peace of mind to their parents.
As Skootzlife evolves we will always challenge ourselves to develop fun new products that will unlock your child’s imagination and create doorways to new universes.
At Skootzlife we love kids kick scooters so much that we made them our business.
So please come take a journey in to our world at for some fun new scooter accessories, that will surely bring a smile to everyone’s face.